today, venus enters her taurus domicile. when venus is at home, she has access to everything she needs. it is here where she is most comfortable. it is here that she can relax and drop all pretense. she can take off her armor, unburden herself. she can sink into the floor, stretch, and shake it out. venus at home is a creative, sensual force. venus at home is a venus with a strong foundation.

when venus is at home, she has access

to everything she needs.

taurus venus is an resourced venus. she shares, she has a generous heart. she knows that when she is in right relationship with others, with the world, her energy will always return to her. she knows she will be provided for, one way or another. she does not fear “running out”. scarcity has no place in a home full of love. venus’ sense of abundance is not determined by quantity or ownership. instead, her abundance stems from her appreciation of the fullness of the earth and its ability to create and provide. venus in taurus does not obsess over what is lacking. venus in taurus knows that abundance is a state of being. presence is the key to her abundance.

taurus venus is a grounded venus. when it comes to love, she recognizes the importance of patience. she prizes her commitments, takes them seriously. she is not hasty in her decisions. she takes her time. venus in taurus does not rush. venus is forgiving. there is room within her heart for love to grow. she prunes her connections with great care.

taurus venus is a immovable venus. she does not sacrifice her principles. she never lowers her value, or her standards. her personal code guides her through it all. venus in taurus is not one to abandon a cause or a friend. while her priorities may shift over time, the pillars of her character remain the same.

taurus venus is an aware venus. she knows herself, allowing that knowledge to increase every day. she does not fear her own depths. she can feel when she has become stagnant or disconnected from what she loves. venus in taurus knows how to re-engage with purpose and mindfulness.

taurus venus is a connected venus. she has long-standing, loyal relationships that possess the strength to lift her up. she knows that relationships are the most important resources. she knows that relationships built up over the years are not corroded by time, only fortified. venus in taurus does not hesitate to reach out to her network. she knows that trust is a necessary part of strengthening her bonds. when venus in taurus experiences gain, she celebrates with her loved ones. her wins are everybody’s wins. venus in taurus knows that “being alone” is a myth. venus in taurus knows that “living independently” is a myth. we are all connected, all the time. venus in taurus is conscious and intentional with her interactions. she moves with purpose, inviting others to take the next step with her, hand in hand.

taurus venus is sensual venus. she sees seduction everywhere — in the juice of a strawberry, in the budding of a flower, in the softness of an animal’s fur. she allows her senses to be her guide. touch is her first language. she sinks deep into the physical realm. she knows how to be truly present in her body. she knows how to listen to her inner guide. she leans into pleasure. she does not deprive herself as punishment. she knows that indulgence is medicine, too.


