mercury in taurus is a forest path, the pathway that branches off from the main road, taking us through the foliage, devoid of signage. we can find our way by looking down beneath our feet, seeing the grass and leaves that have been pressed into the ground by those who have walked before us. or maybe our steps are the first to touch the surface. 

mercury in taurus takes the road less traveled. the slower path. the long way home. the scenic route. 

mercury in taurus gives us permission to slow down. 

mercury in taurus divests from false urgency. 

mercury in taurus asks “why are you rushing?” 

mercury in taurus knows that when we rush, we miss out on the vivid details and sensual experiences of life. 

mercury in taurus opens up the possibility of us letting the path find us when we take in every detail of the environment that holds us.

mercury in taurus coaxes us to sink our feet into the ground beneath us. 

mercury in taurus tells us it’s okay for us to linger where we’re at before taking the next step. 

mercury in taurus wants us to think about our roots. “what tethers you to this world? what keeps you grounded?” 

mercury in taurus is a loving invitation to join hands with all of humanity. 

mercury in taurus says that connection is rooted in trust.

mercury in taurus declares, “just like a tree planted by the water, i shall not be moved”.

mercury in taurus reminds us that desire, connection, and community can be the needle of our compass. 

mercury in taurus reminds us that we always have the choice to go after what our heart truly wants, not what we “should” want, not what we are “supposed to” want.

mercury in taurus reminds us that we don’t have to keep doing what we have done before, we don’t have to keep going where we have gone before if that’s not what we are looking for.

mercury in taurus provides us with fertile ground to plant the seeds of our desires. 

mercury in taurus invites us to pursue the search for our desires. for some of us, our desires are buried deep. for others, our desires have been outsourced, projected onto other people, things, or ideals.  

mercury in taurus is a solid foundation upon which to build our dreams and co-create a world to take pride in.

mercury’s ingress in taurus is the final chapter being closed on eclipse season, which featured mercury retrograde in aries. eclipse season forced us to move without a compass, to move on instinct and impulse, without an external guide. now, we continue to listen to those instincts and impulses, taking time to hear them out, being patient with ourselves. our words may be few, but they are grounded and thoughtful.

taurus mercury’s desire for us is that we trust that we’ll end up where we’re meant to be. 

taurus mercury’s desire for us is that we become less concerned with the speed of our journey as more with the quality of our time spent.

taurus mercury’s desire for us is that we pay attention to where we’re putting our feet, not only to the destination miles ahead of us.



mercury’s ingress to your home sign means creating rituals for self. ground the body in the details that matter most to you. this is a time to get curious about what you love, taurus, deepening your knowledge and awareness of it. investigating your desires and cares and why you are devoted to them can make you fall in love with your interests all over again. make pleasure your priority. enchanting your life is not a luxury in a world that demands we run ourselves ragged — it’s actually an act of resistance. relationships and connecting with people are important to you during this transit. you may feel more open to sharing yourself, your ideas, and experiences with others. you are mentally awakened, stimulated by new and refreshing thoughts. you have much to say and may initiate conversations. your words and thoughts are magnetic and charming, drawing others to you who may be seeking advice or approval. 


for you, gemini, mercury in taurus is a personal retreat. before mercury comes back to your home sign, you may be feeling like it’s time for a bit of hermit mode. mercury in taurus wants you to slowwww down, especially when it comes to your internal monologue. really pay attention to what you say to yourself and to what floats on the surface of your unconscious. this transit is ripe for reflection through journaling or meditation. the question of “why do i deny myself pleasure or presence?” may come up. take time to think about what “rest” means to you, then create space for it. develop your personal sanctuary, ritualize the things that you do for YOU. as you wind down your pace, you invite in new sources of inspiration and receive mindful, sensual experiences. this could also be a time when you are thinking about the past, looking behind you for information. reminiscence and contemplation may allow you to see what was previously unseen.


you’re getting back in touch with your aspirations while mercury is in taurus. this transit will have you reaching out to connect with the people deeply rooted in your life. support and love is coming out of the woodwork. people may be surprising you in the best ways. taurus mercury's steady pace reminds you to tune into one frequency at a time, to take time before saying yes, to truly contemplate what you are agreeing to be a part of and why. cancer, this is a fruitful time to share your dreams, inviting a trusted few into your vision to make a collaborative effort towards compatible goals. you may be starting to plan for the future, thinking deeply about what satisfies you and what you want to reach for. you’re a creative voice in your circles, starting conversations, proposing new ideas and solutions, and uniting people through shared values and priorities. taking your time to process information gleans patient, full insights that deserve to be heard.


there is movement in your career or public-facing life, leo. mercury in taurus may mark a celebration or the conclusion of a learning experience. maybe you recently attended the school of hard knocks, but this is your graduation and you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. now, you get to figure out what to do next.  as you review what you have learned over the past two months, take what you can from your experiences and ponder where you can apply this earned knowledge to simplify your projects and narrow your focus. after a whirlwind start to spring, it’s important for you to pare down to the essentials. since you could be wrapping up an important chapter, you might share something with your audience or colleagues that is rooted in your earned wisdom and illustrates your authority and expertise. the venusian influence of this transit helps you to connect with mentors or experts, opening new doors or gathering nuggets of precious wisdom. up next: you’re taking practical or tangible actions towards a long term goal.


mercury’s time in taurus will rein in your fantasies, redirecting your explorations to deepen your relationship to your current environment rather than distracting you from it. instead of using dreams as a means of escape from the mundane, you can experiment with using dreams as a way to refresh your outlook on the world. this transit of your ruling planet asks you to be thoughtful about the lens through which you process your experiences. can you be more generous and forgiving with yourself? do you need firmer boundaries? are your limitations a wall, a shield, or a safety net? as you look to the future, virgo, take a snapshot of the big picture. remember how far you’ve come, and reframe your feelings on how much further you have to go. are you resentful that you’re “not done yet”? could you reframe the steps left on your path as an adventure ? mercury in taurus could also help you to address practical tasks that can further your education, or to re-energize your writing or study endeavors. submitting work or applications to schools and programs feels fertile now.


libra, it’s time to excavate beneath the surface and read between the lines. the subterranean realm of your collaborations, your psyche, and shared resources need some nurturing attention. intimate conversations emerge, prompting you and yours to open up about vulnerable topics or have heartfelt/heart-wrenching talks. mercury in taurus asks you to evaluate whether or not your are in right relationship with these matters. you may be making some decisions on where to direct your energy. maybe you will decide to invest in a fruitful endeavor. maybe you need to reclaim some of your energy and resources. mercury in taurus invites you to set or reinforce your boundaries and listen to your bullshit detector. remove the rose-colored glasses as you finalize agreements, crunch numbers, and communicate your hard lines. some of your entanglements may need detangling — it’s time to simplify. 


mercury’s time in taurus refreshes your relationships and roots them in the present instead of the past. important conversations may need to be had, scorpio. the axis of reciprocity is on your mind, so clarify your desires with your partners and colleagues. it could be that putting yourself in others’ shoes garners you a holistic perspective. when you speak plainly in negotiation, reconciliation, and conflict, you ground your connections in shared values and priorities. if there’s discrepancies, others’ intentions are illuminated for you, and you can move accordingly. if there’s alignment, your partnerships receive a renewal of love and appreciation. this transit gives support to vulnerability and truth, encouraging you to be generous and forgiving with people who deserve it.


the part of your life responsible for your routine and maintenance gets a refresh with mercury in taurus. this transit is all about grounding yourself in the mundane. it’s not just important, but enriching, to take your rituals and habits seriously, sagittarius. you can make pleasure, sensuality, and delight a part of daily life. enhancing the details of your life doesn’t cost any money: it can look like taking your morning coffee outside to sit with the rising sun and chirping birds instead of your phone, it can look like lighting a stick of incense and a candle as you wind down for the night. this transit also prompts you to whittle your to-do’s down to the absolute necessities, figuring out what is essential and why. being purposeful with what occupies your time and space eliminates distractions and enhances your capacity for presence.


it’s time to sink your teeth into the juicy center of creativity, capricorn. mercury in taurus reminds you that you find inspiration and desire when you’re present with your senses. mindfulness in your experiences means listening to the body, not overriding your instincts. even if your impulses seem silly, entertain them (at least once). you’re asked to express yourself in an intentional and uncensored way. when you’re tapped into your physical body and allowing your senses to guide you, your creative instincts can lead. fun and enjoyment is a necessity with this taurus mercury transit. embrace spontaneity, be the center of attention. interact with the world as a child would. let everything be a potential tool or toy for you to play with. the mercury in taurus approach intellectually stimulates you, unlocking your imagination. relish in everything you touch, taste, see, hear, and smell.


mercury in taurus directs your attention to the stabilizing pillars of your life. your ability to concentrate and be rooted in your thoughts is strengthened, you may have excellent memory or recall during this transit. there may be some gradual movement or change that starts moving at a steadier pace, especially when it comes to your mental health, domestic life, and personal space. there may be a home development project or a traveler coming to stay with you during this period. the most important part of this transit, aquarius, is that you make room for rest. how do you find peace? what does creating balance look like in your life? in your home? think about how you can move at a more sustainable pace as you pour into your private life and personal spaces. savor the time you have in solitude. 


you’re in your social butterfly era, pisces. during mercury’s time in taurus, you’ll be clearing your communication channels. deleting emails and old contacts, clearing out your feeds and following lists. it’s time to dispel oversaturation from your life. mindfully reducing your media consumption and disconnecting from the “busy-ness” can help you discern distractions from what helps you sink into the moment. think about how what you watch and what you read and what you “like” makes you feel. this undertaking reorients your relationship to your everyday environment and habits. taking time to observe yourself and the world around you, to reflect and pause before speaking and responding — these are things that allow your curiosity to bloom and flourish. 


mercury in taurus stimulates your generosity. this can be a time to think about sharing and pooling resources. how can you and your loved ones, your community, come together to fill in the gaps of lack and scarcity? this transit will have you thinking about who supports you, aries. this may be a time to express gratitude to those who support you and lift you up. how are you deepening your relationship to what you possess? are you engaging in intentional consumption and spending? do you stay present and enjoy what you take, or are you on autopilot? mercury in taurus means taking a measured approach to your values, possessions and resources. discussions may take on a more practical nature. this could be a time to make a long-term plan or move with your resources, you may be changing where you direct your time and energy. your relationships or networks and conversations you have with them will provide you with resources and support. 


