lunar eclipses are a buildup of energy — with the moon at its peak illumination, lunar eclipses reveal new pathways and ideas, epiphanies and breakthroughs.

this is the climax of the lunation that began under the pisces new moon, we may be following up on some of the events and themes that were on our minds a few weeks ago. [remember: the neptunian signature of the pisces new moon suggested to us that we be more open to possibilities and not latch on too tightly to the exact details of our dreams lest we limit ourselves.]

this window of time surrounding the lunar eclipse could be when we receive or integrate new information about the areas of our lives that are in flux or experiencing meaningful transformation.

the libra lunar eclipse falls within mercury’s pre-retrograde shadow period — whatever comes up on the lunar eclipse (march 25th) may be revisited not only on april 8th’s solar eclipse, but also on april 25th (the end of mercury retrograde) and the post-retrograde shadow period after. [honestly, due to mercury retrograde coinciding with eclipse season, we may continue to deal with the effects and revelations of eclipse season through the post-retrograde shadow period.]

this spring eclipse season is the halfway point in the six-part aries/libra eclipse series.

we began this chapter last spring under april 20th’s solar eclipse in aries, just before the lunar nodes shifted into the aries-libra axis on july 17th. then, we had the solar eclipse in libra on october 14th. now, we have two aries/libra eclipses back to back. to me, this speaks to us really doubling down on the themes and lessons that the aries/libra nodal transit is teaching us. this is a true season of rebirth. before new seeds can be planted (north node, solar eclipse), we must clear the field (south node, lunar eclipse).

with venus in pisces as this lunar eclipse’s ruler, it’s clear that we’re meant to make peace (venus) with whatever dissolution (south node) is happening in our lives.

the libra lunar eclipse illuminates the libra south node, emphasizing resolution, release, and reconciliation. pisces is the sign of venus’ exaltation, and it is the final sign in the zodiac. pisces is the sign of endings. around this time, something will receive clarity or reach a denouement.

because the south node in libra answers to venus in pisces, we’re diverging from the old way of life (south node) that relied solely on the approval or example of others (libra). we’re liberating ourselves from self-sabotage and destructive habits (south node), and this may not exactly feel “good” right now. the influence of pisces is very strong this eclipse season — even though the eclipses are on the aries/libra axis, both the lunar eclipse and solar eclipse this spring are ruled by planets in pisces (venus and mars, respectively) — thus, the liminal space that eclipse season creates may feel even more transitional than usual. we’re not seeing the light (aries) at the end of the tunnel (pisces) yet — this feeling might not kick in until later this year . . .

venus in pisces lingers in its recent exact conjunction with saturn, demonstrating the difficulty some of us may be having when it comes to surrendering (pisces) control (saturn) in our relationships (venus).

the south node in libra may have some of us deep in memories of the past, thinking of past events or connections that are long gone. it could be that we keep replaying the mistakes we have made, especially when it comes to people that we put our trust in or choices that we made. activations of the south node often stir our grief and losses. this lunar eclipse in libra wants us to purge (south node) these memories that keep us stuck and sorry for ourselves. this lunar eclipse in libra wants us to grant ourselves forgiveness (venus).

pity parties are a place where we hold onto victimhood in order to be absolved from responsibility. venus conjunct saturn is shutting that party down. we’re being held accountable for our self-improvement and ownership of our emotional experience. the journey we’re embarking on invites us to create (venus) hope (pisces) by taking tangible steps (saturn) instead of indulging (venus) fantasy (pisces). we are no longer (pisces) choosing others (libra) while abandoning (south node) ourselves (aries), we are letting go (south node) of other people’s (libra) standards and expectations. we are releasing (south node) the need for external validation (libra) and forgiving ourselves (pisces) for the times we didn’t choose ourselves. by releasing the status quo (south node) of the past, we create room for the gains and growth (north node) of the future.


