this aries full moon is the fourth and final super moon of the year. the september full moon is commonly known as the “harvest moon”, due to this time of year being the peak of many crops. autumn and libra season, officially welcomed last saturday, is a time of harvest, of collecting what is full and ripened. the aries full moon is illuminating the action we’ve taken so far towards creating harmony and balance in our lives, showing us where we have been fruitful and prosperous.

the full moon in aries is setting us up for eclipse season, which will start with the new moon solar eclipse in libra on the 14th of october. this aries full moon also harkens back to the aries new moon from march 21st and solar eclipse in aries on april 20th; the aries solar eclipse occurred while the north and south node were still on the taurus-scorpio axis, so events and themes that came up in late march or april could be rising to the surface once again. 

the lunar nodes on the aries-libra axis teach us how to walk the line between coexistence and codependency. we cannot rely on others for everything in this life, but we also cannot expect to be able to do everything alone. we need each other. connection (libra) is the sustaining force of life itself (aries).  

today’s full moon in aries urges us to reflect on our relationship (libra) with ourselves (aries). the full moon affords us light and clarity to see with true awareness. this is a time to look upon the commitments (libra) we have made and the actions (aries) we are itching to take.

a fire sign full moon can arrive as a burst of energy, flaring of irritability, and a whole lot of BIG feelings that demand to be felt. the aries full moon may represent the peak of frustration or tension for some in the collective — it’s important to pay attention to why this may be showing up. remember: your frustrations are a form of guidance. your anger is trying to teach you and protect you. although these feelings may be uncomfortable or inconvenient to feel, it’s a good time to process and purge them. the full moon in aries can help us to transmute intense emotional into physical release, through crying, screaming, playing, dancing, singing, or creating.

the autumnal equinox marks persephone’s (libra) departure from her mother demeter (virgo) and reunion with her husband hades (scorpio) in the underworld. in autumn, we transition from the summer’s peak light to the winter’s peak darkness. autumn reminds us that it is important to rest and slow down. we do not have to be in a permanent spring or summer of blooming and flourishing and showing off. our seasons are temporary. the best thing we can do is lean into these seasons and our inherent duality. 

autumn is a season of shedding. libra season is when we shed our leaves and figure out what to take with us into the third quarter of the astrological year. autumn’s alignment with tropical libra season points to the importance of the relationships (libra) in our lives. we may need to be selective about who we allow into our energy, about what we allow to receive our energy, about where we choose to interact with others, both in person and online. this is a great time to purge your following, to get real about what you’re channeling your energy and focus towards. energy is coming to a low point as mars in libra drifts closer to the south node, so pay attention to how you’re doing.

the astrology of now calls for creating harmony and symmetry and fairness. the libran principle of harmony is all about taking multiple elements that may not go well together and formulating an outcome where they can exist and support one another. creating harmony may require compromise. it may require bending things so they don’t break. it may require certain things to be done right away, while having to wait to do others.

venus in leo

venus, recently stationed direct, is still moving slow, dwelling in her post-retrograde shadow period til october 4th. in venus’ post-shadow period, we may be following up on things that came up during the last few months, especially in regards to our passion projects, creative ventures, relationships, confidence, and self-worth. venus enjoys mutual reception (this is when planets are in each others’ domicile signs; sun in libra, venus in leo) with the sun til october 8th, when she moves into virgo. the sun finds its “fall” in libra, so venus in leo is the stronger planet of the two. with leo venus as the dispositor of the sun and mars in libra, we can be sure that the coming week will be filled with warmth.

today also marks the third and final act of a series of venus square uranus transits. this could arrive as a wake-up call about a commitment or relationship in our lives. by shaking us up, uranus liberates us from the confines of expectation and shows us the authenticity (leo) of desire (venus) in the face of change (uranus). this last aspect of venus and uranus challenges us to cast off whatever paradigms are no longer aligned with what we truly want and value.

mars in libra

mars in libra is the planetary ruler of this aries full moon. this means this full moon is asking us to reflect (moon) on what motivates (mars) us as individuals (aries) to play the roles we do in our relationships (libra).

mars in libra is encouraging us to address unresolved conflict and issues that have stood stagnant for too long. libra mars brings forth themes of collaboration, vulnerability, intimacy, and trust. the libra mars transit is teaching us how to value our OWN desires and opinions above all. with the sun is in libra, its rays will shine the spotlight on these matters, prompting us to be decisive and take action. this may be a time of making important decisions. we may weigh these choices on libra’s scales of justice. 

when mars is in libra, mars is out of its comfort zone. mars in libra is the warrior showing up to battle in full ballerina attire instead of body armor. in this vulnerable state, mars must act decisively but perhaps in an unconventional way. 

mars is also forming its conjunction to the south node in libra. this aspect can feel quite draining. think of the south node as a black hole or bottomless pit — this is where your energy is going, aka nowhere. don’t put too much on your plate before mars moves into scorpio on october 12th. once mars goes back into its home sign, it’ll provide a needed energetic boost. 

while the south node and mars are conjunct, however, it may bring up past happenings of denying yourself your desires for the sake of others, or perhaps out of fear of others, out of fear of disappointing them or being met with their disapproval. mars in libra brings forth topics of people pleasing, doing things for other people, and going along with what others are doing versus taking inspired action rooted in desire and personal ambition. this full moon in aries ruled by mars in libra asks: how are you letting go of caring so much about what others think?

mercury direct

two weeks ago, mercury stationed direct immediately following the new moon in virgo — this energy was a bit disruptive, potentially bringing information that caught us off guard or forced us to adapt and adjust. this prompted us to integrate what mercury uncovered during its retrograde period. these two weeks building up to today’s full moon in aries were but a pause before taking our next step. as mercury transitions back to the surface, it spends a little time in the liminal space of the threshold between earth and the underworld. the mercury retrograde post-shadow period, which ends tomorrow (the day following the full moon in aries). today and tomorrow, as mercury appears to be completely still, there may be delays or mishaps in communication and transportation. it could be difficult to focus and channel our mental energy until mercury settles back into its regular motion.


