venus stationed direct on sunday. on monday, jupiter stationed retrograde. venus, the ruler of jupiter currently in taurus, is passing the torch and lighting the way forward.

venus retrograde in leo brought us clarity in regards to our self-esteem, desires, and values. now that the sun (leo) has illuminated what is important to us, we can act in alignment with our values (venus). we are able to see the bigger idea (jupiter) behind our desires (venus).

jupiter retrograde is a season of refining our aspiration, recentering our sense of direction and purpose, and tying up loose ends. we may now approach our objectives with new perspective (jupiter). opportunities may arise to revisit (retrograde) things that we left unfinished or unexplored. we may return to old ideas and projects, things that needed linear time to ripen (taurus). 

during jupiter rx in taurus, we should think about what is actually needed and necessary to sustain us. excess and overindulgence need to be reined in during this period, especially with this jupiter rx happening in tandem with saturn rx in pisces (which is ruled by this taurus jupiter rx).

this may be a time when people chose to go into hermit mode for some needed introspection and soul-searching. people may chose more slow, gradual (taurus) strategies to achieve their goals, opting for the path that takes cultivation and dedication over time. jupiter’s time in taurus reminds us that there is no rush, that things take linear time to take shape, that we need a solid, reliable foundation to build on.


venus square jupiter rx: on september 17th, venus and jupiter face off. (the 17th is when this angle will perfect, but since both planets have slowed down due to their respective retrogrades, the transit’s influence will carry through most of the month.) this aspect illustrates a pull between elaborate visions and practical matters. as this aspect occurs in fixed signs (venus in leo, jupiter rx in taurus), it’s important to be wary of going to extremes. we can strike a balance between the mundane and the magical. neither needs to be completely sacrificed. this day may call for some alleviation of responsibilities. if you’ve denied yourself some simple pleasures as of late, it could be good to answer the call. jupiter’s jovial disposition may have us considering what would happen if we simply cancelled our entire calendar for the day. as usual when we’re dealing with the two fun-loving benefics, don’t go overboard. my advice is to do what is essential, then do what delights you. carve out some time for your cravings, whether they’re for festivities with friends, a little treat to get you through the workday, or some solo time. 


(written for your rising sign)


jupiter rx in your 1H of self invites you to reinvent yourself. the way you once found emotional investment in matters of self, appearance, and being perceived may no longer resonate. you may be coming up against obstacles when relying on past tactics. re-branding or changing your personal style may help you see yourself with new eyes. use the rest of the year to reflect on your personal goals and the progress you’ve made.


in your 12H, jupiter rx asks you to journey into your subconscious mind. you’ll have the opportunity to excavate anxieties, fears, and doubts. slow and steady shadow work will lead to profound spiritual development. jupiter rx is a time for pondering the experiences that have shaped your inner outlook. the 12H is the house of behind the scenes work. jupiter rx here will expand your perspective on your current season of life and your private, subconscious habits.


jupiter retrograding in your 11H brings reflection on your connections and associations. you’re realizing how important a sense of community, purpose, and belonging is to you. this transit will help you to reshape your vision for your future, short term and long term. jupiter rx in your 11H is here to cultivate a solid foundation on which to build your social network and ambitious endeavors.


this 10H jupiter rx transit means reexamining your professional path and career goals. you’ve already been hard at work, persistently developing your skills and sharing your talents with the world. coming up with a new strategy for your public image or brand is a great way to harness this jupiter rx energy. if you’ve lost touch with your calling, jupiter rx will help you listen for it. this is a cosmic opportunity to reimagine what is possible for you.


your spiritual beliefs may be reassessed as jupiter rx moves through your 9H of long journeys and life philosophy. this transit will aid you in doing some major soul-searching. what once guided you on your path may no longer be the driving force behind what moves you. jupiter rx will help you clear out beliefs that aren’t in touch with your current priorities and personal philosophy. this transit may test your faith in yourself and how firmly rooted you are in your beliefs. your outlook on life is shifting.


this is a period for reviewing your collaborations and shared investments. jupiter rx in your 8H assists in creating new financial strategies. more obligation and responsibility may have been put on your plate, forcing you to re-prioritize your efforts. this added pressure requires you to think about how to make your output sustainable. jupiter rx urges you to look at your boundaries and limitations to see if you’re holding back or doing too much. this could also be a time of going deeper in your intimate connections, reaching a new level of vulnerability.


your relationships expand and contract with jupiter rx in your 7H of partnership. your taurus 7H is seeking justice, balance, and harmony. mutual investment and ability to compromise is key. you’ve done a lot of work already, and the fruits of your labor are blossoming in your intimate connections. dynamics could shift, obstacles may arise — jupiter rx is seeing if your partnerships can weather the storm. your ability to trust and open up is expanding.


your chart ruler retrograding in your 6H of daily toil, service, and routine is helping you to create healthy, sustainable habits. if you’ve been putting off efforts that are beneficial to you well-being, this is the time to return to them. small, actionable efforts add up and make an impact. implementing new practices of cultivation and beautification in your daily routine serve you well. the goal of jupiter rx in your 6H is to develop practices that are rooted in self-liberation and sustainability.


jupiter rx in your 5H is here to reconnect you with your passions and ability to play. innovation and inspiration live here. this transit is good for rediscovering your sense of joy. self-expression and creativity may take on new life. jupiter rx wants you to let your hair down. allowing the structure and discipline you usually rely on to relax and loosen may prove fruitful. find joy in the little things. practice mindfulness. delight your senses.


family and home life are the focus while jupiter rx is in your 4H of sanctuary and foundation. emotional equilibrium is the focus during this transit. jupiter rx wants you to imagine what a peaceful existence looks like, and how to invite that sense of calm into your most private, intimate spaces. this transit may provide an opportunity for solitude and retreat, or some quality time with your loved ones. prioritize your peace of mind and emotional wellbeing. 


the 3H is the house of gathering information. jupiter rx in this house may help you expand your ideas and upgrade your communication and networking. opportunities in your everyday and local environments may arise. this transit is good for reflecting on what you’ve learned and gathered so far. remember: you are still a student. development and mastery takes linear time. you have time.


in your 2H, jupiter rx seeks to become more resourced and supported. this is a time to align your long-term goals with your present financial strategies. your energy for pursuing matters of this house may wane, forcing you to pare down, check your spending habits, and get serious about the bare necessities. this may be a needed reality check that helps you get clear on what needs to change in your material world.


