this sunday, mars moved into libra — sign of mars’ detriment. now, imagine libra playing the role of mars. mars is the warrior. libra is the peacemaker. what happens when the peacemaker is cast as the warrior? 

mars is known for its direct, bold, and aggressive nature. when mars is debilitated, it conceals its nature. the energy of mars hides behind the facade of libra. do not make the mistake of assuming that rage, frustration, and tension will fail to materialize while mars is in libra. those things are still very much here, but the tendency may be to cover up conflict and anger. 

mars is at home in scorpio, a fixed water sign. scorpio stands their ground when it comes to their emotional (water) motivations (mars). mars is also at home in aries, a cardinal fire sign. aries is uncompromising when it comes to pursuit (mars) of their desires (fire). 

aries is the seat of the sun’s exaltation. aries has no problem putting themselves first, which is why aries mars is known for bold action in favor of their self-interest. libra, on the other hand, is where the sun falls. identity (sun) is eclipsed by others (libra). libra struggles to assert self-interest, hence the detriment of mars in this sign. mars’ struggle in libra can be expressed in people pleasing behavior and manipulation. defending personal boundaries is second nature to mars in aries. (ever notice you can’t spell “boundaries” without “aries”?) mars in libra has difficulty standing up for itself — defending others may come more easily to them.

in libra, mars can be easily swayed (cardinal = direction, air = motion) by others (venus). its important to know your own reasons for seeking certain goals, even if you’re in tense situations where you have to conceal your motives from others. by becoming too detached from your motivations, you can forget what they are and act in the interests of others instead of yourself. get clear on where you stand or you could be left standing where someone else put you.

another tendency that detriment mars in libra has is to manipulate. manipulation is not inherently malicious or bad. it means to “handle, control, or influence a thing or person in a skillful or clever manner”. manipulation (mars in libra) requires social (air) finesse (venus), thus, why it is a tool that may be employed by those with this natal placement. mars in libra natives have their anger downplayed, dismissed, and vilified. so, what do you do when your rage is ignored? you could hide it and portray something else. while domicile mars (aries, scorpio) takes direct action, libra mars may use misdirection or indirect action. subtlety and suggestion are tools of libra mars.

in detriment, mars functions best when employing the strategy of saturn — the planet that exalts in libra. saturn puts long term gains over short term satisfaction. this libra mars transit could show us where a more venusian strategy could serve us and our future plans.

libra is the sign of justice. mars in libra may aid us in achieving fair outcomes and settling debts. since mars in libra answers to venus (libra’s ruler), this mars in libra is influenced by the leo venus retrograde. pursuit of our goals through venusian tactics of negotiation and compromise are likely to be successful. this astrology can bring past situations into the present, bringing new information, redemption, and reconciliation.

libra typically only enters conflict if they feel an injustice has occurred. libra cannot have peace if they feel their side, or the side of the underdog, has not been represented. if they do not speak up, the repressed feelings build and build until they eventually combust. 

mars defends and protects our vulnerabilities. mars’ presence in libra indicates the need to be on guard in the places we tend to bend. we need to be careful of where we downplay our needs and prioritize the needs of others. this mars in libra transit may help us assert boundaries within relationships where our sacrifice and compromise has become the norm.

libra may settle a fight by simply not fighting. this could be done through compromise and negotiation, or, through libra simply allowing itself to lose in order to avoid conflict. libra would rather not fight and may consider it a waste of time. mars in libra may employ the tactic of feigning defeat in order to strategically pursue a more lasting or long term goal. however, there are times when you do have to fight. there are times where things are worth fighting for.

a great example of mars’ struggle in libra is in avatar: the last airbender when aang wrestles with the decision to end firelord ozai’s life (or not) in the final battle. aang seeks out wisdom from past avatars, but ends up feeling more conflicted and confused after receiving their advice. avatar roku tells him “you must be decisive”. avatar kyoshi says “only justice will bring peace”. avatar kuruk advises “you must actively shape your own destiny and the destiny of the world”. finally, avatar yangchen leaves aang with “selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world”. in the end, aang does take their advice, but not in the most direct way. he does take decisive action and becomes a harbinger of justice. he does participate in the final battle, actively shaping his destiny and doing whatever it takes to protect the world. yet, he does not kill firelord ozai. instead, he strips him of his fire bending, ridding him of his power, ability to inflict violence, and intimidation tactics. aang finds a course of action (mars) that satisfies the needs of the world/others and brings justice (libra) without compromising his personal beliefs.

with mars as our motivation, we may be motivated to take action in our relationships, to invest energy in our health and appearance, to spend time with those we love, to collaborate, and to share our creations and passions with others.

mars in libra is currently answering to leo venus, still in her retrograde period. nostalgia remains thick in the air as this venus rx rules mars in libra, as well as the south node in libra. the urge to reconnect with lapsed relationships may be strong, especially with the lingering energy of the pisces full moon this week. for some, the opportunity for reconciling is ripe, and these conversations will be fruitful. for others, the desire for true understanding and forgiveness is a one-sided fantasy. missing someone and wanting to talk to them can prevent us from thinking clearly about where that person is truly at and what they’re capable of giving, if they give anything at all. 

before reaching out, ask yourself: “just because i am missing/want to talk to this person, do i truly believe they have something meaningful to say to me? what are my expectations? am i seeking forgiveness? justice? vindication? do i expect these things to be given to me?” i’m not discouraging reconciliation, but to those seriously considering it, i do advise that you up your discernment and get really honest about why you want to reconnect. these astrological transits can be quite powerful for forgiveness and clearing the slate. or for moving on.

mars in libra can be prone to conflict avoidance, due to its preference of connection and harmony. however, this aversion to conflict and sour feelings can lead to overriding necessary and healthy boundaries. mars is severance. libra is unity. it’s hard to make peace with the parts of ourselves that call out to be reunited with the past. we can honor the longing and the wondering without sacrificing our sovereignty.

during this libra mars transit, i encourage you to consider what battles are worth fighting for, for your sake alone. before you pick up the sword for someone else, think about what parts of your life require swift, decisive strokes.


