on march 7th, 2023, saturn left its aquarius domicile and dove into the waters of pisces, where it is staying for 2 years (plus 1 more year after its retrograde, but we’ll get into that later).

saturn represents structure, boundaries, time, discipline, limitations, and responsibility. so what happens when ♄ meets drifter and dreamer pisces?

saturn will force us all to take a hard look at what we have faith in. saturn in pisces wants you to not just dream it, but be it.

saturn in pisces wants you to commit to your beliefs. instead of allowing our dream reality to only exist in our minds and our sleep states, saturn in pisces will create a sense of urgency around putting forth the effort to materialize our fantasies. saturn in pisces. will help us to create structure around what we believe in, solidifying our faith.

there are other very piscean hallmarks of this transit that i believe we will see, here are a few of them:


• endings, death, very sorrowful energy

• things being taken away

• developing trust and a deeper understanding of life


• recognizing abundance through resourcefulness in the face of loss (5 of pentacles energy)

• scarcity of connection leading to building community

• accepting dualities and embracing grey area


• don’t dream, it be it — turning wishes into actions

• gathering details and making shit happen

• pursuing SOUL-LEVEL FULFILLMENT (8 of cups energy)

• integrating material and spiritual values into daily life


during the pisces saturn transit of the 90s, new age spirituality went mainstream, riding off the momentum of the occult movements of the 60s, 70s, and 80s.

new age spirituality is a catch-all term to describe an eclectic range of belief systems in spiritual practices: a melting pot of philosophy, religion, psychotherapy, magic, tarot, astrology, psychology, and more.

the problems kick in when you realize that many new age beliefs and practices have been borrowed a.k.a. stolen from other cultures or religions, stripped of their context in history, repurpose to fit the designs of their new age users.

this dark underbelly of new age spirituality is being exposed and it is going to get a reckoning. spiritual psychosis will be heavily discussed, and those experiencing spiritual delusions will be exposed or they may wake up from their living sleep.

for example, folks following trickster spirits mistaking them for gods or overidentifying with deities, saying things like “aphrodite called me prettier than her” (because no she did not).

there may be consequences kicking in for those who misuse their power and spiritual gifts, such as people who take advantage of the losses, grief, and desperation of others, those who offer readings or services they do not have the skill or experience to deliver or that they do not intend to deliver, those who offer up collective messages constantly talking of twin flames returning, windfalls of money, or once in a lifetime experiences coming their way.

false gurus, love and light workers, scammers, people who offer $200 30 minutes astro readings when they’re “still a beginner” — these are the ppl that will feel the pressure of saturn in pisces. someone has to be held responsible for taking advantage of people who are in pain and who lack appropriate discernment due to that pain.

as a result of the deception and misinformation present in modern spiritual platforms and discussion, there will be a rise in people wanting to connect with mentors and teachers. people want to know their information is good and that they’re doing due diligence to learn spiritual practices, witchcraft, astrology, etc. expect to see more offerings for mentorships, classes, and online courses.

those who once offered advice, knowledge, and services for free may pull back and keep these things behind a paywall/only for a small audience due to (real or perceived) lack of appreciation, responsibility, and discernment from those who once consumed their content or offerings. people, especially current practitioners, will dedicate themselves to contemplation, meditation, study, and self-mastery. or, some may choose to walk away from the craft for the time being, in pursuit of soul-level fulfillment.

it’s important that people define their beliefs by doing their due diligence and research under this transit. There are consequences for people doing closed practices they don’t have cultural ties to or haven’t been initiated into, and folks may see those consequences kick in on both a public/social or personal/spiritual level. the focus of many spiritual folks will turn towards actually connecting the individual with the divine.

saturn in pisces is creating discipline around our beliefs. this transit may demand surrender or sacrifice from us. we may have to let something go in order to have a firm grasp on something else. pisces saturn will have us pumping the brakes on spiritual bypassing.

no more telling people what they want to hear and no more believing things just because it’s easier to believe it than accept reality. tales we’ve been told and bought into because it created an escape from reality/released us from responsibility will start to crack and cave in.

that’s not your twin flame, that’s an abusive relationship.

your chakras aren’t out of alignment, you didn’t take your medication today.

you’re not a starseed, you have autism and were abused by your family.

what do you think this transit will bring?what has it been bringing up for you? for the collective? let me know in the comments! 🪐


