mercury in virgo stations rx at 21°. this degree lands in virgo’s 3rd decan, the decan ruled by venus. virgo is known for its precision and capacity for information recall, however, with the retrograde transit, mercury in virgo runs the risk of risk of overlooking major details, especially when it comes to important business matters or communicating vital information to others (aka venusian dealings). the tendency with mercury rx is to respond to a sense of urgency by speeding up instead of slowing down and taking time to absorb the details. do not allow overconfidence to lead you astray!

retrograde periods mean we get to REevaluate, REview, REdo, and REvise. if something goes wrong, that just means there’s a better way to do things than what we were doing before. mercury rx in the sign of virgo means that our communications, plans, and preparations are highlighted — both digital and IRL. we may receive insight on how to solve problems and work more cooperatively with others.

expect themes of the virgo house in your chart to come forward during this transit. also keep an eye on your gemini house and the house of your natal mercury, as their respective themes may pop too. for example, i moved (natal 4H mercury) to a new neighborhood (natal virgo 3H) during the pre-shadow period this week and will spend most of the retrograde unpacking and getting settled into my new place. being here has already given me peace of mind and space to reflect, since my last apartment had black mold (natal gemini 12H).

mercury will station direct once more on september 15th. we will then be in mercury’s post-rx shadow for two weeks. mercury rx shadow period (pre and post shadow) can produce more delays and malfunctions than the actual rx. the following may occur thru september 30th when the post-shadow ends:

  • running late

  • miscommunication + misunderstandings

  • plans falling through last-minute

  • transportation issues

  • injuries and accidents while commuting 

  • apps/internet crashing

general themes of mercury retrograde in virgo:

  • organization

  • setting boundaries

  • practice and preparation

  • important conversations

  • cultivating habits and routines

  • initiating communication, especially around unfinished business

  • figuring out what strategies and systems work best


mercury rx conjunct mars

since mars is also in virgo during the pre-shadow and station of this virgo mercury retrograde, we may see people being more aggressive or argumentative than usual. mercury rx conjunct mars in virgo could indicate moments of tense communication, especially around topics of daily life, routine, and maintenance. we may have to work through conflict, especially in a job environment. mars’ co-presence with mercury rx suggests heightened sensitivity, which can lead to heightened irritability or sensory overload. on the bright side, mars can help mercury rx by producing an energy that allows for increased ability to focus and create.

mercury rx trine jupiter

this aspect becomes exact on september 4th, granting us an opportunity to gain some new perspective. jupiter’s contact with mercury rx could give us a mental refresh, helping us to see things differently. we may feel more optimistic about our efforts and ideas around this time, making us more apt to act on our thoughts. this is favorable astrology for revisiting our visions and passion projects. we see the big picture (jupiter = macro, mercury = micro). jupiter could also usher in an offer or gift. this trine will occur a second time on september 25th.

mercury rx conjunct sun

september 6th hosts mercury’s inferior conjunction to the sun. the sun illuminates and purifies the matters being brought to the forefront by mercury rx. this day could be one of great clarity and insight. when in doubt, write it down. major epiphanies could surface.

mercury rx opposite saturn rx

mercury rx will also oppose saturn rx in pisces. this opposition will not be exact, but its effects will be felt. saturn can produce restrictions and delays, so when this energy collides with mercury rx, it can feel like your brain is stuck buffering, making thinking and communicating rather challenging. however, this aspect could also be favorable astrology for reconfiguring some long-term goals and plans. saturn represents isolation as well, so as this aspect gets tighter, it could be beneficial to spend some time riding solo and working on personal projects.

mercury rx trine uranus

we may have to change our plans, in classic mercury rx fashion. uranus’ trine to mercury rx suggests that this could happen rather suddenly. however, these bumps in the road could be blessings in disguise. if our usual approach to problems isn’t working, uranus could aid us with forming creative solutions. thinking outside the box is encouraged — stepping outside of our routine to address a problem could even be necessary with this particular aspect.


mercury rx is not a favorable time to sign important contracts (ex: marriage license, lease) or purchase new electronics. pursuing this could result in delays, typos, and other mistakes in the paperwork that will nullify them and require you to resign. of course, life will keep happening and sometimes you have to do these things. if that’s the case, just read the fine print and take as much time as you can before going for it. (this may not necessarily apply to individuals with natal mercury rx, as this is their native energy.)

i recommend making lists and checking them THRICE! make sure you mean what you say and say what you mean. help future you and look ahead at what you have going on for the coming weeks.

the biggest thing that people sleep on about mercury rx is that if you do something last-minute, unplanned/unorganized, and for the most part lacking detail, it will not go well. it will likely not go to plan because you barely have a plan. it’s better to wait and take time to plan it out. if you DO end up doing something on the fly, it’s not the end of the world. things may still go well, but you could walk away feeling like you need a do-over or wish things had gone differently. be prepared to revisit things.

who will be most affected

  • mutable placements (gemini, virgo, sagittarius, and pisces)

  • gemini and virgo risings

  • those with mercury as your timelord/LOY

AS A TREAT . . .

i am offering a special discount on ALL of my readings, now through september 15th — the day mercury stations direct once again. use the code “RXSZN” for 25% OFF when you book!


