on july 10th, mars entered virgo. in this detail-oriented sign, mars is ready to get into the nitty gritty and put its nose to the grindstone. virgo’s earth quality channels the energy of mars in a productive, methodical, creative, and grounded way. mars’ approach in virgo is critical and perceptive, showing us the cracks in our current strategy and helping us to craft a new one. mars in virgo places emphasis on organization, efficiency, and effectiveness. mars in virgo is here to find what works and to master the best methods, staying here til august 27th.

virgo is ruled by mercury, so this mars transit is currently answering to mercury, which moved into leo just a day after mars’ ingress into virgo. since leo mercury is pulling the strings of this virgo mars transit, it’s important to pay attention to the things we take pride in — especially when it comes to our work. mercury is the fastest moving planet, so when mars is in a mercurial sign, it can mean we have an excess of mental and physical energy. with mercury in leo, a fire sign, our thoughts may accelerate at a pace that’s hard to keep up and could result in burn out. that being said, be mindful of when your mental engine starts to smoke. 


saturn, an expert tactician, is approaching its opposition to mars, which will be exact on the 20th. this mars-saturn opposition can present an obstacle or delay in our path. this can cause frustration and disappointment, due to the possible lack of gratification and fulfillment. mars is the warrior, the champion — these archetypes are ready to spring into action. saturn is the tactician, the expert — these archetypes are willing to play the long game. while the nature of these two planets are at odds, they can work together to produce potent results.

mars opposite saturn, currently retrograde in pisces, is a good transit for strategy, planning, and efforts towards long-term endeavors and goals. harnessing this energy requires discipline and discernment. mars doesn’t like to be contained, but saturn wants to concentrate the energy of mars and channel it towards a particular objective. it’s up to you to determine what should get priority right now. whatever work you decide to tackle under this astrology should be important, just remember the fruits of your labor won’t ripen until later.

when we’re dealing with the virgo-pisces axis, we’re dealing with the tangible (virgo = earth) and the intangible (pisces = ether). virgo mars opposite pisces saturn rx also points to checking in with our health (virgo) and holistic wellness (pisces). what’s happening in the moment (mars) matters in the long term (saturn). under this opposition, people may decide to make choices in favor of discipline (saturn) versus the satisfaction of the moment (mars), due to the consequences of escapism and indulgence (pisces) on their wellbeing (virgo).

earlier this year, i wrote about saturn in pisces being a wake-up call for people about addictive habits and escapism. more people may decide to pursue their sobriety journey around this time. others may decide to initiate and cultivate healthy habits, like cutting back on fast food, doing daily stretches or yoga, or going back to therapy.

in true virgo spirit, i’ve created lists of do’s and don’t’s to follow during this transit to assist us in best utilizing the energy of mars in virgo. 


  • to-do lists — having a tangible list and taking the time to write everything down aids us in prioritizing tasks. do only what is most important this week as we inch towards the exact mars-saturn opposition on the 20th. extraneous items will slow us down and distract us.

  • develop skills — virgo mars is great for mental focus over long periods of time, so studying, learning, and practicing are highly supported. if you’re hungry for knowledge, pick up a book.

  • prepare — the mutable signs are signs of transition, so this mutable earth mars transit is excellent for getting ready for something important that you know is coming up. if you’re in the middle of a process or timeline, stick to your plan.

  • stretch your vocabulary — sounding smart is helpful for persuasion, especially when you want others to back your plans. mars dominates with its energy, so appeal to virgo’s brainy nature.

  • help yourself before helping others — virgo loves a project, often making other people its work in progress. being of service is great, but not when you’re running on empty. put your oxygen mask on first.

  • hermit mode — retreating inward for guidance allows you to act in alignment with your purpose and desires. when your mind gets overactive, take time to remove yourself and do something that brings you back to center.

  • clean uporganize your workspace, sort your emails and documents in folders, delete old contacts, and get rid of items that are no longer useful or necessary. 

  • invest in your passions — pour into your personal projects and pick back up where you left off. taking pride in the work that you do doesn’t just mean your job or what you do to earn money, it’s also your hobbies and talents.

  • be of service — volunteer your time and services to a local charity or cause close to your heart or community. cook a meal for a loved one when they’re sick or give them a hand massage after a hard day at work.

  • self-care — when i talk about self-care, i’m focusing on the practical side of it. not just the face masks (although those are great and you should do them if you want), but scheduling appointments for your physical maintenance (ex: doctor, dentist), spend more time in the physical realm (virgo = earth = material; being outside is especially rejuvenating during this transit) and less time online when you can, or investing in mercurial healing techniques such as reiki (mercury = hands).

  • refine your routine virgo is a skilled cultivator. you can harness the energy of mars in virgo to cultivate habits that promote your physical and spiritual wellness. revisit your daily practices and ask how it is helping you get closer to your goals.


  • misdirect your frustration — virgo is prone to irritation because it notices everything that isn’t going right and everything that is out of place, which can make us prickle at the little things. this can cause blow ups about the little stuff instead of addressing the root of the frustration. virgo mars’ anger tends to manifest as criticism, nagging, and ranting. if you see this popping up in your behavior, this could be why.

  • micromanage — you may start feeling overwhelmed by your own problems, and your impulse may be to cope by trying to deal with other people’s. harsh self-criticism could turn on others if you take on other people’s shit. when you’re struggling, adding to the struggle (even if it’s not your own), is not the solution.

  • be hypercritical of yourself — if you’re fixating so hard on every little piece of the puzzle, you’ll miss out on the big picture and be out of touch with what’s really going on. it’s good to have standards for yourself and your work, but make sure those standards are realistic. allowing comparison to be the thief of your joy is self-sabotage that we want to avoid. instead of striving for perfection (impossible), try moving forward with the mindset that you’re headed towards improvement (practical).

  • waste your time on haters — trying to convince people who will not give you the benefit of the doubt or who are disinterested in learning or understanding your perspective doesn’t help you at all. accept the things, and the minds, you cannot change, then move on.


