welcome to virgo season

when the sun’s light is filtered through the lens of virgo, our vision crystallizes and our focus streamlines. we subject our environments and experiences to minute observation. after experiencing the filter of the sun’s leo domicile, the brilliance of solar light takes on an intense, probing quality. the sun in virgo seeks to extract all the knowledge it can from its world.

the trap that virgo can fall into is becoming overly narrow in its outlook. in its mission to extract, it can neglect replenishment and nurturance. virgo’s mercurial rulership bestows this sign with great executive mental capacity while also, ironically, creating a potential barrier for this earthly sign to be anchored and grounded in material reality and physical being.

virgo season sits on the cusp between summer and autumn. energetically, this season is about taking stock of what we have around us. summer is the solar peak, a time to play and stretch ourselves when the sun is in its leo domicile. autumn is when we shed layers and prepare to rest, the literal “fall”, with the sun in its “fallen” sign of libra. 

i’m struck by the significance of the sun in virgo — the sun’s short journey between domicile and fall. virgo leads us over a threshold, ushering us into the second half of the zodiacal year. the maiden is our guide into the portal of autumn.

so what does that mean?

it means that when in virgo, the sun’s light illuminates what isn’t working, what doesn’t fit. virgo refines and reduces. virgo returns us to our natural state. virgo anchors us to our material foundations. virgo reminds us of our essential needs and functions. 

when the sun is in leo, we reconnect with the radiance of our core essence. once we’re in touch with our ego, we must confront it. the sun in virgo is a critical examination of this core essence. virgo is colloquially known for its piercing intellect and scathing judgment, and while yes, it’s fun to hear our virgo friends deliver a boiling roast, we should not forget the evolutionary function of the sun passing through this sign. virgo allows us to truly understand our inner landscape, and to make choices that are of service to the elements of our core essence.

this virgo season in particular is one for meticulous reflection and self-examination, as eclipse season begins to filter in at the beginning of september. virgo is mutable earth, a double-bodied, mercury-ruled sign. virgo is flexible, adaptable. eclipse season coinciding with the sun in virgo is definitely providing the message that more changes are in store for us. 

the task virgo season puts before us is this: to make it so that our mental realm enhances our physical experience, rather than being an escape from it. virgo season will wind down with the first eclipse of eclipse season — a partial lunar eclipse in pisces. this eclipse on the pisces-virgo axis reminds us that the material world and spiritual world coexist, that abandoning one to escape to the other is defeating the purpose of both. 
